So I've been thinking to write about this for a little while now, but then I've always found something more interesting. Not that this blog post is a cbf post. I think it's actually the perfect time for it. While the warmest of weather is on the decline and the cold is lingering on our tootsies, I want nothing more than to write about winter fashion. As I'm writing this my song has ended and in the 3 second gap I can hear the rain falling on the sky light. Which only means one thing.... my washing is going to get wet. Bugger.
I've always associated studs with rebels, goths and punks but recently I have been seeing quite a groovy side to them. I'm not talking about the tacky gold squared studs that you will find on a clutch at dotti, but the simple and delicate black (sometimes silver or god forbid - gold) studs that tastefully appear on leather boots, belts, bags or jackets. Leather and perhaps suede would be the only fabric I would allow studs to appear on. Other wise it defeats the purpose of the rebel/biker look.
Imagine black studs on navy silk...they would weigh the fabric down and look like a drowned condom = tragic.
So I feel for this autumn/winter I will try channel by inner rockstar rebel and add something studded to my wardrobe. I'm thinking some black boots or maybe a belt. I feel Kendal has modelled this studded belt well and that my waist will definitely look as small as hers with one.
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