I have a confession to make...
I have only just realised this in the last few minutes so this post is very spontaneous.
I have an obsession with anything marble.
Now that you can rest easy, probably thinking that my confession was a whole lot more juicy that my marble fixation, I believe we need to address this situation.
For those who follow me on instagram (stellaws) you will be familiar with my regular flat lays on my marble bathroom bench top. I originally began to use this area as I wanted a large amount of space that wasn't wooden floorboards or the pavement outside. As I tried to photograph on other surfaces I was just not satisfied with the image and I think this was where my subconscious obsession began.
Slowly I have noticed marble bits and bobs appearing in shops and as a fashion print (not to be confused with the awful 'crackle' print that did its rounds). Even at my work we received a marble iPhone 5 cover in stock, but much to my horror my chubby little iPhone 4 wouldn't fit! I even considered upgrading not for the phone but for the cover - I have since been brought back to reality, but the thought still crosses my mind..
Marble has now entered by life and I can safely say it is my new favourite trend :)
Here are a few of my instagrams and other favourites: